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CALGARY, AB, Aug. 21, 2024 /CNW/ - Logan Energy Corp. (TSXV: LGN) ("Logan" or the "Company") announces its financial and operating results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, an increase to the borrowing base available under the Company's credit facility to $75.0 million, and enhancements to the executive management team. Selected financial and operational information set out below should be read in conjunction with the Company's unaudited interim financial statements and related management's discussion and analysis ("MD&A") as at and for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023. These documents are filed on SEDAR+ at and are available on the Company's website at The highlights reported throughout this press release include certain non-GAAP measures and ratios which have been identified using capital letters and are defined herein. The reader is cautioned that these measures may not be directly comparable to other issuers; refer to additional information under the heading "Reader Advisories – Non-GAAP Measures and Ratios". SECOND QUARTER 2024 HIGHLIGHTS Logan spent $46.1 million in the second quarter to advance development in its core operating areas. At Pouce Coupe, Logan completed and brought on production a three well pad in mid-May. At Simonette, Logan completed its first well at Lator and commenced completion operations on a three well pad located on its southern acreage. Production averaged 7,277 BOE per day (36% liquids), an increase of 45% from 5,015 BOE per day (22% liquids) in the same quarter of the previous year. A major turnaround was completed at the Simonette 13-11 Gas Plant as planned in June. Budgeted downtime reduced average production for the second quarter by approximately 360 BOE per day. Certain debottlenecking projects were also completed during the outage. Logan is on track to deliver H2 2024 average production in excess of 10,000 BOE per day and to meet or exceed its annual production guidance of approximately 8,700 BOE per day1. The Company's Operating Netback averaged $15.75 per BOE before hedging ($15.38 per BOE after hedging) for the second quarter of 2024 and was impacted by weak natural gas prices and higher per unit operating expenses due to plant turnaround costs and other maintenance operations. Logan expects to realize a material reduction in its per unit operating costs as it scales production and is forecasting H2 2024 operating costs to average between $10.00 to $10.50 per BOE, and for calendar year average operating costs to be in-line with guidance1. Driven by oil production growth and strong crude oil prices, Logan's Adjusted Funds Flow increased by 178% to $8.7 million for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared to $3.1 million in the same period of 2023. As of June 30, 2024, Logan had Net Debt of $21.4 million or 0.6 times its annualized Adjusted Funds Flow for the second quarter. Subsequent to the quarter, the Company's lender increased the authorized borrowing amount available under its credit facility from $50.0 million to $75.0 million (refer to "Subsequent Events"). _______________________ 1 Refer to guidance published in the Company's press release dated May 22, 2024. The following table summarizes selected highlights for the three and six month periods ended June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2023: Three months ended June 30 Six months ended June 30 (CA$ thousands, except as otherwise noted) 2024 2023 % 2024 2023 % FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Oil and gas sales 26,544 13,701 94 50,974 32,717 56 Net income (loss) and comprehensive income (loss) 416 (3,856) (111) (1,575) (34,482) (95)      $ per common share, basic and diluted 0.00 (0.02) (100) (0.00) (0.20) (100) Cash provided by operating activities 3,394 2,897 17 20,194 11,604 74 Adjusted Funds Flow (1) 8,744 3,142 178 18,589 8,797 111      $ per common share, basic and diluted (1) 0.02 0.02 - 0.04 0.05 (20) Capital Expenditures before A&D (1) 46,104 5,378 757 81,286 6,302 nm Acquisitions - 100 (100) 300 100 200 Total assets 248,390 94,913 162 248,390 94,913 162 Net Debt (1) 21,364 5,227 309 21,364 5,227 309 Shareholders' equity 175,122 56,791 208 175,122 56,791 208 Common shares outstanding (000s), end of period (2) 465,537 173,201 169 465,537 173,201 169 OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS AND NETBACKS (5) Average daily production      Crude oil (bbls/d) 2,148 660 225 1,965 706 178      Condensate (bbls/d) (3) 223 271 (18) 244 277 (12)      Natural gas liquids (bbls/d) (3) 250 185 35 270 191 41      Natural gas (mcf/d) 27,934 23,396 19 28,006 23,871 17      BOE/d 7,277 5,015 45 7,147 5,153 39      % Liquids (4) 36 % 22 % 64

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